Monday, April 16, 2012

A man is defined not by his words, but by his actions.

Unfortunately for Chris Mitchum, both his words and actions are unworthy of representing me in anyway shape or form.   Chris says that he was “Black Listed” in liberal Hollywood after starring in movies with prominent conservative actors such as John Wayne.  I personally don’t believe that to be the case.  If you look at his IMDB Filmography, Chris had rolls in Wayne films up until the same very year he started making violent smut filled exploitation movies.  I think Chris made these movies because they were an easy buck, and he enjoyed it.  Don’t think he enjoyed it?  An interview Chris Mitchum did for a movie released in 2011 titled Machete Maidens says it all.  He is quoted as “You hit them, kick them…that’s what they’re paid for,” in referring to his other cast members.  To me it sounds like he was having a really good time.  If you have not seen the trailer for this film, and I highly doubt you have, I suggest you watch it CLICK HERE.  It really shows what kind of a guy Chris is. 

He didn’t make the type of films that I would let my kids watch, and isn’t that what this is all about…voting for people that will make good decisions for our country and be good role models for our children.  Chris Mitchum has not demonstrated any personal leadership in his professional life yet and I’m not willing to entrust him with the responsibility of speaking for ME in the US government….are you?

In my next post I’m going to talk about two of his more violent movies.  I don’t want to give away the titles quite yet, but if you look at his IMDB Filmography I’m sure you can figure it out for yourself.  Just click the movies to see what they were about, you will be appalled!!!

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